If you are interested in learning CHamoru, this website is for you.
Amazingly, it is absolutely FREE!
We all learn similarly and differently. Therefore we organize our website along five ways of learning CHamoru; (1) using our online dictionary, (2) following general CHamoru lessons, (3) focused study of CHamoru grammar, (4) learning and practicing dialogues, and (5) studying examples of published CHamoru language in audio-visual media and in print. This structure of five distinct - but yet linked - ways of learning CHamoru provide you with the opportunity to customize and optimize your own unique way of learning CHamoru.
As a registered member of LearningCHamoru.com, you have the opportunity to become part of an active learning community. You can tailor your learning to your specific needs, you can learn from others and others can learn from you. Let us know who you are, what works well for you, and what does not. Make suggestions for specific dialogues and CHamoru text examples that you want us to include in lessons. Or, you can volunteer for various other activities to develop and sustain LearningCHamoru.com. This way, your learning contributes to our learning.
Our Mission…
To provide an online platform to practice and to advance the learning of the CHamoru language. Our dictionary, lessons, dialogues and other learning materials are to generate a pleasant and rewarding learning process for learners with different learning styles and in diverse learning contexts. Beginning, intermediate and advanced learners together build and sustain a world-wide community of people learning CHamoru.